Key Performance Measures
END of KS2 Results (Y6) in 2024 - ( 14 children )
When looking at our percentages, please remember that in a small school like ours, in each year group, a child typically represents at least 5%, sometimes more.
KS2 attainment results in 2024, which was our smallest cohort ever (14 children, so each child is worth 7%) were largely as expected, with only one or two Teacher Assessments varying from test results.
Reading as usual is our KS2 strength, just above national, and helped by the same excellent teaching in KS2 for the third consecutive year, and the systematic use of Accelerated Reader. Writing was our weakest area, and despite all children making some good progress, both internal and external moderation agreed these assessments were accurate. Mathematics was much better at GDS* than at ARE*, but again largely as expected, although our progress scores were not as strong as in previous years in reading or mathematics.
PHONICS (Y1) aND EYFS (reception) in 2024
The quality of phonics teaching and learning has remained good, especially considering the changes to this particular cohort of 21 children, e.g. three children were disapplied due to arriving mid-way through Y1 and another four children arrived with English as a second language (EAL)
Our phonics scores were in line with national figures. Any child failing to reach the threshold in this Phonics Screening Check receives dedicated support to catch up.
Our EYFS cohort was also unusually small – just 13 children, so each child represents nearly 8%. Again, if we exclude the child who arrived with no English (as a crisis refugee), 58% of children reached a Good Level of Development, or about one child below national.
As we expected, there were some good KS2 results this year, especially in Reading at ARE* and mathematics at GDS*. Our RWM* Combined figure was approximately two children below national.
Staff have continued to demonstrate commitment and hard work for all our children and although we were pleased with the overall outcomes, we still want to improve them even more. So, having conducted some initial analysis, our next steps as outlined in our SIP for continued improvement during 2024/25 are:
- Ensure all classes focus on supporting unique gaps in pupil learning in the cornerstones of phonics, spelling, handwriting, number bonds and times tables.
- Improve outcomes in writing, and provide more opportunities for extended writing
- Support all children to follow the correct algorithms when using the four operations in mathematics
ARE means working at Age Related Expectations.
GDS means working at Greater Depth within the Standard.
GPS refers to an English test on Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
RWM Combined means those pupils achieving a pass or better in Reading and Writing and Mathematics
Scaled Scores convert pupils actual test scores into a ranking system, whereby 100 is considered the pass mark.
There is also an independent School guide, which looks at all schools nationally, and measures a variety of different metrics. For schools in Chichester and the surrounding areas, Birdham is ranked Number 1.