Birdham CE Primary School


Birdham School FPTA (Friends, Parents and Teachers Association) is a charity set up with the aim to raise funds to support Birdham School. The members of the committee are parents of children at the school and we encourage everyone at the school plus teachers and friends to get involved and support the various activities and events we run.

On average we raise about  £4,000 every year through events such as our Family Fun Day, Sparkle Nights, Discos, and the Christmas Fair. 

In the past the school have used the monies  for projects such as the roof over the swimming pool, Playground Equipment like the Tumble Tower and Tricky Track, coaches for Theatre Trips, New Book Bags, Leavers gifts, the annual Leavers Party, the renovated Library, and most recently furnishing the Double Decker Bus!

Also, apparently putting the Headteacher in the stocks every year is allowed on our Fun day!!





April 2024  Newsletter

November 2023 Newsletter

AGM Minutes Jun-23.pdf

What does the FPTA do at Birdham CE Primary School?

Lots! Is the short answer!  Every year our brilliant FPTA organise a lots of activities to smooth transition for new parents and their child into school, as well as providing ‘treats’ that the DfE funding just wouldn’t allow.  Examples include:

  • Giving each child who starts school a book bag
  • Paying for the coaches to the theatre every January
  • Paying for lollies on Sports Day
  • Buying crackers and goodies at Christmas
  • Providing all Y6 pupils with a farewell present, and contributing to the leavers’ party
  • Busy Things annual subscription
  • ... plus a host of other small things that help make our school special

Below is a table that shows how the school has used some of the bigger contributions over the last few years. Nearly £40k has been used to make these items possible - well done you!

And the obligatory annual disco of course!